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Reminders & Important Info miss E. Mac's Class

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  1. Nov 18, 2020 Read: 7 Best Reminder Apps for Android (2018) Reminder Apps for Windows. With this thought in mind, I started looking for reminder apps and found some amazing ones. So, here are some of the best reminder apps for Windows for different types of users with different types of needs.
  2. Get reminders from Cortana Cortana helps you remember what's important by setting reminders for the right time and by helping you organize your lists in Microsoft To Do. You can create a reminder with Cortana in Windows by saying, 'Set a reminder.'
  3. Overview Create scheduled reminders of different types, such as static text, notification, opening URL in new tab and task. Reminders is a simple and yet functional tool that won't let you forget.
  4. A: something that calls a memory or thought to the mind a picture that's a reminder of happier times There were reminders of him everywhere. Whenever she heard music, or when she played the guitar he had given her, Felicity thought of her grandfather's gravelly voice singing along, happily out of tune.

Free reminder service. Birthday reminders, anniversary reminders, meeting reminders, etc. Welcome to Memo to Me. Memo to Me is the Internet's #1 reminder service.

Yahoo Reminders

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(rĭ-mīnd′)·mind·ed, re·mind·ing, re·minds
To cause to remember; put in mind: must remind him to call; reminded her of college days.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(rɪˈmaɪndə) n
2. a note to remind a person of something not done
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(rɪˈmaɪn dər)
a person or thing that reminds, or causes one to remember.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.reminder - a message that helps you remember something; 'he ignored his wife's reminders'
subject matter, content, message, substance - what a communication that is about something is about
phylactery, tefillin - (Judaism) either of two small leather cases containing texts from the Hebrew Scriptures (known collectively as tefillin); traditionally worn (on the forehead and the left arm) by Jewish men during morning prayer
2.reminder - an experience that causes you to remember something
deja vu - the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before
memento mori - a reminder (as a death's head) of your mortality
shades of - something that reminds you of someone or something; 'aren't there shades of 1948 here?'
experience - the content of direct observation or participation in an event; 'he had a religious experience'; 'he recalled the experience vividly'
3.reminder - someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided
defender, guardian, protector, shielder - a person who cares for persons or property
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


nounprompt, prompting, cue, nudgeThey are about to be given a sharp reminder.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


nounSomething that causes one to remember:
keepsake, memento, remembrance, souvenir, token, trophy.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
vật làm nhớ lại


1. (= letter etc) → notificaciónf, avisom
we will send a reminderle enviaremos un recordatorio
it's a gentle reminderes una advertenciaamistosa
2. (= memento) → recuerdom
it's a reminder of the good old daysrecuerda los buenostiempospasados
B.CPDsubscription reminder cardNtarjetafrecordatoria de renovación de suscripción
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= sight, event) → rappelm
a reminder of the past → un rappel du passé
a reminder that ..
His death is a reminder that they are getting old → Sa mortrappelle qu'ils deviennent vieux.
(to help sb remember) (= note, remark) → rappelm
the final reminder for the gas bill → le dernierrappel pour la facture de gaz
He will do it, but he may need the occasional reminder from you
BUTIl le fera, mais il aura peut-être besoin que vous le lui rappeliez de temps à autre.
a reminder that ..
This note is just a reminder that the guests are arriving tonight → Cette note estjuste pour rappeler que les invitésarrivent ce soir.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n(= note, knot etc)Gedächtnisstützef; (letter of) reminder (Comm) → Mahnungf; as a reminder that …um dich/ihn etc daran zu erinnern, dass …; to give somebody a reminder to do somethingjdn daran erinnern, etw zu tun; his presence was a reminder of …seine Gegenwarterinnerte mich/dich etc an(+acc); a gentle reminderein zarterWink; give him a gentle reminderweis ihn sachte darauf hin
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


a. (note) → promemoriam inv (Comm) (letter) → (lettera di) sollecito
as a reminder that → per ricordarsi che
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rəˈmaind) verb
1. to tell (someone) that there is something he or she ought to do, remember etc. Remind me to post that letter; She reminded me of my promise. herinner يُذَكِّر напомням lembrar a (alguém) připomenout erinnern huske på; minde om θυμίζωrecordar meelde tuletama یاد آوری کردن؛ تذکر دادن muistuttaa rappeler qqch. à qqn לְהַזכִּיר याद दिलाना podsjetiti (na) vkit vmire figyelmeztet mengingatkan minna (á) ricordare 思い出させる 일깨우다 priminti atgādināt mengingatkan herinneren aan minne (noen) på przypomnieć ورپه يادول، ورپه زړه كول، راپه ياديدل، راپه زړه كېدل lembrar a (alguém) a aminti ceva cuiva напоминать pripomenúť spomniti podsetiti påminna เตือน hatırlatmak 提醒 нагадувати یاد دہانی کرانا nhắc nhở 提醒
2. to make (someone) remember or think of (a person, thing etc). She reminds me of her sister; This reminds me of my schooldays. herinner يُذَكِّر بِ напомням fazer lembrar připomínat erinnern minde om θυμίζω κπ. σε κπ. άλλο recordar algo a alguien meenutama (kellelegi midagi) یادآوری کردن muistuttaa rappeler לְהַזכִּיר याद दिलाना, स्मरण कराना podsjećati (na) vkit vmire, vkire emlékeztet mengingatkan minna (á) ricordare 思い出させる 생각나게 하다 priminti atgādināt mengingatkan kembali doen denken minne omprzypominać ورپه يادول fazer lembrar a aminti (de) напоминать pripomínať spominjati podsećati påminna ทำให้นึกถึง hatırlatmak, anımsatmak 使想起 нагадувати خیال دلانا khiến ai nhớ về cái gì đó 使想起
reˈminder noun
something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. Leave the bill on the table as a reminder that I still have to pay it. herinnering تَذْكير напомняне lembrança připomínka, připomenutí die Mahnung påmindelse υπενθύμιση, υπόμνηση recordatorio meeldetuletus یادآور muistutus aide-mémoireתזכורת तकाजा podsjetnik emlékeztető alat bantu ingatan áminning promemoria 思い出させるもの 생각나게 하는 사람(것) priminimas atgādinājums peringatan aanmaningpåminnelseprzypomnienie يادونه، تذكار lembrança memento напоминание pripomienka opomin podsetnik påminnelse สิ่งช่วยเตือนความจำ hatırlatıcı şey 提醒(的事物) нагадування یاد دہانی điều nhắc nhở 提醒物,提示物
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تَذْكِرَة připomínka påmindelseErinnerungshilfeυπενθύμισηrecordatorio muistutusrappel podsjetnikpromemoria 思い出させるもの 생각나게 하는 것herinneringpåminnelse
Reminders & Important Info miss E. Mac
przypomnienielembreteнапоминание påminnelse สิ่งเตือนให้นึกถึงhatırlatıcı vật làm nhớ lại提醒者
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Cortana helps you remember what's important by setting reminders for the right time and by helping you organize your lists in Microsoft To Do.

Free download free trial web hosting site programs downloads. You can create a reminder with Cortana in Windows by saying, 'Set a reminder.' Note, however, that you will only be able to receive a reminder notification on a Windows device if you created the reminder on that device.

Manage your reminders

Edit reminders: You can edit your reminders in the Microsoft To Do app on your phone or PC.

Cancel a reminder: To cancel a reminder you've already created, go to the Microsoft To Do app on your phone or PC. You can delete it from there. To cancel a reminder while you're creating it, just say 'Cancel' at any time.

Set a recurring time reminder: To set a recurring reminder, tell Cortana exactly when you want to be reminded, and how often. For example, you can say 'Hey Cortana, remind me every Tuesday at 6:30 PM to take out the trash.'

Changes to Cortana reminders:If you previously were accustomed to setting reminders on your Invoke speaker or in the Cortana mobile app, use the Microsoft To Do app on your phone or PC instead.

Daily Reminders

  • Note: If you previously created reminders using the Cortana mobile app, they will continue to work until the reminder service is completely turned off on September 21, 2020. If you would like to export the data for any reminders you've previously created, you can do so using the Microsoft privacy dashboard. Sign in with the account you used to set up Cortana and then select 'Download your data.'

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